Working in The Dating Industry Could Not Prepare Me For The Challenges of Pandemic Dating

For someone who has yet to leave New York City during COVID-19, quarantine has had a few ups (family time and career progress), a few downs (RIP nightlife), and more often than not, romantic loneliness (yep, I said it).

Harrison Forman
7 min readOct 1, 2020
It’s tough out there.

in partnership with @halfthestory

As a producer and co-host of NY-based live blind dating show, UpDating, I have spent most of my professional time curing everyone else’s romantic ambitions. By setting up strangers on blind dates in front of live audiences, I vicariously lived through their ups, downs, and excessive vodka tonic drink orders. My own dating life had always taken a back seat. When the pandemic hit and our live show paused, I actually became excited at the opportunity to focus on me.

That lasted for about two days. After all, how many times could I possibly watch Social Network, order sugar-free apple sauce, and FaceTime my grandmother? On the plus side, I gained a new appreciation for the constant companionship of my robotic vacuum, Roomba. On the downside, I felt more alone than ever before. It was time to figure out a way to “get back out there” in my own dating life —…



Harrison Forman

Formerly @Facebook, Create @UpDatingShow, Blogger, Alum @umich and #PhillySports. Millennial on Earth (Opinions, my own)